Parental Engagement Opportunities 2024/25


Working in Partnership

Building from the positive feedback from the various parental engagement opportunities in the 2023/24 academic year please see a list below of some of the events for the 2024/25 academic year.


Year Group Curriculum Overview meetings:

We are pleased to announce that this year there will be a meeting for parents with the Year Group Leaders where they can learn more about the curriculum that is taught in their childs year group

18th September           1.30    Year 3 Curriculum Overview meeting 

19th September           1.30    Year 4 Curriculum Overview meeting 

20th September          1.30    Year 5 Curriculum Overview meeting 

21st September           1.30    Year 6 Curriculum Overview meeting 


Parent/Teacher consultations

There will be parent teacher consultations for you to be able to discuss the progress and achievement of your child each term:

Autumn term:             Tuesday 22nd October or Thursday 24th October

Spring term:                Tuesday 18th March or Thursday 20th March

Summer term:             Week Commencing 7th July appointments available after school all week to discuss your child’s report.

The school continues to operate an open-door policy and so should you wish to discuss any part of your child’s time in school, or general development, please contact the school office to make an appointment with the class teacher straight away.


Classroom Sharing

Each term there will be an opportunity for parents and carers to visit their child’s class and share time together during the school day so that their child can show them their work and on occasion complete an activity together. The dates and times for each class will be confirmed in November, but will fall on the weeks commencing 18th November & 10th March .

Parent Curriculum Workshops

At Warren Junior School we have always believed that children are able to make the best possible progress when school works in partnership with parents and carers. I know that many of you have found the information on the school website about how to support children with their reading, as well as the videos explaining maths calculations, helpful when supporting your children at home. This year there will be a number of parental workshops where curriculum leaders will to speak to parents and explain how we teach certain areas of the curriculum. These workshops will be held during the school day and more information will be made available nearer each one.

October Supporting your child with reading 

October Supporting your child with maths calculations, (separate upper and lower school)

January An introduction to Year 6 SATs and preparation

February Supporting your child with maths calculations, (separate upper and lower school)

February Supporting your child with writing

February An introduction to Year 4 Multiplication Checking Exercise


Parent Support Workshops

Warren Junior School has always looked to reduce outside barriers that slow pupil progress. In these financially volatile times there has never been a greater need to ensure that children are protected from unnecessary stress and are free to fulfil their full potential. For this reason, I am pleased that Mrs Simmonds, Parent Support Advisor, as well as maintaining the open-door policy, is now holding weekly drop-in sessions on a Tuesday afternoon from 2.30 – 3.15 to support parents with anything from housing matters to finance matters.

This year there will also be a number of parent support workshops that you may find helpful.

November                   An introduction to the Inclusion Support Group

December                   Supporting positive behaviour

March                          Thrive at Warren Junior School

In the meantime, if you have any matters regarding parental support or general inclusion you can make an appointment to see either your child’s class teacher, Mrs Simmonds (Parent Support Advisor), Mrs Poyntz (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) or Mrs Taylor (Emotional Wellbeing Coordinator) by contacting the school office or using the online form on the website in the support for families tab.


End of Year Graduation Celebrations

There will be an opportunity for parents to come into school to share in their child’s end of year Graduation. During the event children will show work, performances, and highlights of their year. 

Monday 7th July                              Year 3 End of year celebration

Tuesday 8th July                              Year 5 End of year celebration

Wednesday 9th July                       Year 4 End of year celebration

Tuesday 15th July                            Year 6 Graduation Day

Times for each event will be confirmed nearer the time.


Hard Federation

 On behalf of the staff, pupils and governors of Furze Infants and Warren Junior School I would like to welcome you to our federation. We are two schools working together under one Governing Body for the benefit of our pupils and the success of the community we live in.

We believe our schools gain from working collaboratively, more importantly, we strive to provide a seamless transition for our pupils between the two schools.

Mr. G. Wilder OBE

Executive Consultant

A WELCOME FROM THE EXECUTIVE CONSULTANT A Welcome from the Chair of Governors