Year 3 Curriculum Overview


Year 3 Autumn term welcome letter






Fairy Tales narrative writing, play scripts, letters, posters.

Instruction Writing

How to edit work

Grammar, spelling, punctuation


Guided Reading

Based on story The Jolly Postman

Narrative Poetry – Aliens in Underpants save the World

Various poetry techniques

Performance poetry

Author focus – The Hodgeheg by D. King Smith

How to edit work

Grammar, spelling, punctuation


Guided Reading

Book Focus – The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

Information Text

Myths and Legends

How to edit work

Grammar, spelling, punctuation


Guided Reading


Revision of Year 2 skills

Place value to 100

Mental calculation strategies for addition and subtraction to 100.

Multiplication and division revision of 2, 5, 10.

Revision of simple fractions

Finding and giving change.

Properties of 2D and 3D shapes

Problem Solving

Place value to 1000

Addition and subtraction to 100 and 1000.

Multiplication and division 3, 4 and 8.

Equivalent Fractions

Solving real life money problems.


Problem Solving

Volume and capacity


Data handling.

Place value to beyond 1000

Addition and subtraction to 100 and 1000 – written methods.

Multiplication and division revision and finding remainders.

Add and subtract fractions.

Data handling


Problem Solving


Roman Numerals


Skeletons and Movement 

Nutrition and Diet

Rocks, Fossils and Soil 



Forces and Magnets

 Art and Design

Shading techniques – sketching, paint and colour mixing.

S.H Raza

Artist Focus

Paul Klee

Artist Focus


Word processing

Touch typing

E Safety



E Safety

Multi Media

Research and Digital Literacy

E Safety

 Design and Technology

Packaging, food technology - Bread rolls

Pop up books (Levers and Linkages)

Moving monsters (Pneumatics)


Passport around the world

The local area




Ice age – Bronze age



Where French is spoken.

Say and respond to French greetings.

Talk about families in French.

Listen and respond to a well-known French song.

Play games using numbers in French to 20.

Learn language for different activities in French.

Learn language for special occasions and celebrations.

Understand how to ask and respond to questions about sporting activities.

Learn names and body parts.

Listen to and retell a French story.

Talk about and describe animals orally and in written French.

Prepare and perform a French song.

Learn names of fruit and vegetables.



Controlling pitch when singing

Singing in harmonies and groups of different sizes.


Peter and the Wolf: Consider the programme music, how the composer created the music and what musical devices were used. Analyse use of elements.


Consider tempo and dynamics when singing and develop performance strategies.

Learning to play the recorder.

Reading standard notation.



Rights and responsibilities

Mental Health, feelings and emotions

Being healthy

Recognising and managing stress


The wider community

Keeping safe


Family Life

Money Management


How did Jesus and Buddha make people stop and think?

What is the significance of light?

How do Jews celebrate their beliefs at home and in the synagogue?

How and why do Hindu's celebrate Holi?

What can we learn about special symbols and signs used in special religions?

What do Sikh sayings tell us about Sikh beliefs?


Fundamental Skills









Subject to Change


Hard Federation

 On behalf of the staff, pupils and governors of Furze Infants and Warren Junior School I would like to welcome you to our federation. We are two schools working together under one Governing Body for the benefit of our pupils and the success of the community we live in.

We believe our schools gain from working collaboratively, more importantly, we strive to provide a seamless transition for our pupils between the two schools.

Mr. G. Wilder OBE

Executive Consultant

A WELCOME FROM THE EXECUTIVE CONSULTANT A Welcome from the Chair of Governors