Statement of Curriculum Intention, Implementation and Impact


The curriculum at Warren Junior builds upon the statutory requirements of the national curriculum and aims to give children experiences that will enrich their formative lives. Our pupils learn both core and foundation subjects at a deeper level, become critical thinkers and through a nurturing and supportive environment are able to build emotional resilience. As pupils journey through their primary education and into adulthood they are given the best possible opportunities to become well rounded individuals, are encouraged to have high expectations of all areas of their own life and given the tools to give them the best chance to thrive.

At Warren Junior School we are proud to celebrate the diversity and values that our pupils bring to our community and will always provide a safe environment for all pupils to learn, achieve and be happy. All staff encourage children to be creative and to aim high. This mindset is reflected in our collaboratively designed curriculum which is intended to enable every pupil to strive towards academic excellence and personal development.

The school community benefits from having dedicated professionals with specific areas of expertise who work in partnership with the teaching staff, to ensure that pupils have a secure foundation with the preconditions for learning supported, to promote strong pupil outcomes. This well-established approach has led to sustained high attainment and a culture where every child is given the best chance to achieve their own individual successes and prepare them for the next steps of their journey through life and education.


Our curriculum promotes children to achieve in line with or better than national expectations in core subjects, whilst developing a wide range of enrichment opportunities for all areas of their learning. After recognising pupils prior learning we set end of key stage targets. Ongoing dialogue between pupils and teachers informs planning which combines age related expectations and pupils needs which creates purposeful, broad and balanced learning opportunities. Subject leaders support class teachers to ensure lessons are stimulating, enriched with inspirational activities as well as engage pupils and challenge their imaginations. These ambitious learning opportunities allow transferable skills to be developed, reviewed and refined in order to provide child centred learning. Nurturing classroom environments break down the barriers to learning, ensuring all pupils achieve to their full potential working in conjunction with the SEND, Single Equalities Policy and Disability Regulations 2014.


The vision and ethos at Warren Junior School, as well as the delivery of the balanced academic and creative curriculum, is evident as we work together to share outcomes, celebrate achievements and set new aspirational goals.  We reflect upon our curriculum, evaluate pupil voice and review subject areas, refining the ongoing learning experiences as appropriate. Pupils are empowered to be confident and with the communication skills to be positive members of the school and wider community.



“The school’s very caring atmosphere underpins all aspects of school life”



“It is clear you are doing something right to ensure all your students have a bright future”

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan


“I’ve been here since Year 3 and I’ve loved it. It is the best school. It gives you good things if you do good things.

Year 4 pupil


“We are one borough, one community, led by Warren Junior School”

Leader of LBBD Council, Darren Rodwell


“The schools stated aim to realise the potential of every child is a reality”



Hard Federation

 On behalf of the staff, pupils and governors of Furze Infants and Warren Junior School I would like to welcome you to our federation. We are two schools working together under one Governing Body for the benefit of our pupils and the success of the community we live in.

We believe our schools gain from working collaboratively, more importantly, we strive to provide a seamless transition for our pupils between the two schools.

Mr. G. Wilder OBE

Executive Consultant

A WELCOME FROM THE EXECUTIVE CONSULTANT A Welcome from the Chair of Governors